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Bark Beetle Prevention

How can New Mexico Tree and Saw Service, LLC help with preventing Bark Beetle infestations?


Why should I be concerned about infestations of Bark Beetle and other pests?

Bark beetles cause extensive damage to trees and property by boring into the bark and laying eggs. The larvae then feed on the living tree tissue, disrupting the flow of water and nutrients. This can kill limbs or entire trees and make them susceptible to other pests and diseases. In addition, bark beetle can rapidly destroy large areas of forest, leading to increased wildfire risk.


Here are some benefits of addressing Bark Beetle infestations:

  • Prevent tree death and damage

  • Reduce wildfire risk

  • Preserve forests for future generations

  • Preserve property aesthetics and shade

  • Clearing old growth allows better air circulation and sunlight exposure to promote tree health

If you have a bark beetle infestation on your property, it is important to take steps to eliminate them as soon as possible. Look for a company that specializes in eliminating bark beetle infestations – they will be able to help you assess the extent of the problem and work with you to develop a plan to get rid of the beetles.


New Mexico Tree and Saw Service, LLC can deal with Bark Beetle infestation on your property without using pesticides to kill the beetles by removing infested trees and limbs.

Contact New Mexico Tree and Saw Service, LLC. for a quote, assessment, or service call today for your Bark Beetle or other Pest Infestation concerns at:


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