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More About Our Services

Fire Mitigation

How can New Mexico Tree and Saw Service, LLC help with Fire Mitigation on your property?


Why is it important to take Fire Mitigation measures on my property in a New Mexico climate?

New Mexico is prone to wildfires, and the state has taken steps to mitigate the risk by thinning trees and creating defensible spaces around homes and other structures. Fire mitigation is an important part of fire safety, and it can help protect property and save lives.

Thinning is the process of removing trees from an area to reduce fire danger. Thinning combined with trimming reduces the amount of fuel available for a fire to burn, both from tree to tree as well as from the ground up. It is critical to minimize the ladder fuel that allows fires to become more dangerous as they climb higher into the Crown of the tree. Crown fires pose the highest threat to neighboring trees and structures, and must be prevented before they occur.

There are many reasons why you should use a professional Fire Mitigation service like New Mexico Tree and Saw Service, LLC for maintaining your property. We have the experience and expertise to properly thin and clear trees from your property as part of your Fire Mitigation steps. We are also Licensed and Insured. This means that you can trust us to do the job safely and effectively.


Contact New Mexico Tree and Saw Service, LLC. for a quote, assessment, or service call today for your Fire Mitigation needs or concerns at:


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